Once diagnosed, youth with HIV are the least likely out of any age group to be linked to care and achieve viral suppression once on ART. This program will discuss HIV epidemiologic trends among adolescents, awareness/perceptions of HIV and prevention, counseling needs/challenges for those at risk, and PrEP/treatment considerations.
Special Guest Educator:
Leandro Mena, MD
Chair and Professor of Population Health Science
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Please register for this activity by clicking here or by visiting, https://www.SimplySpeakingCME.com/HIVPrevention, clicking Attendee Registration and entering the Event Code below (no invitation code is required).
Event Code: 23934434
Please contact Lori Lauve, if you have questions or trouble registering. Lori.lauve@ohcc.org or 225-424-1772.